About Cohesive



Our Founder

Kirsty Turner is the founder and Managing Director of Cohesive Risk Consulting, a specialised consulting firm which designs and executes risk management strategies across public and private sectors.

Drawing from extensive risk management, assurance, governance and general business experience across consulting and within ASX 100 Listed Companies, along with her knowledge and vision gained from ongoing Non-Executive Directorships, Kirsty founded Cohesive Risk Consulting to afford businesses the opportunity to successfully achieve strategy optimisation.

With a Bachelor of Commerce, Chartered Accountant and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Kirsty’s niche knowledge developed from establishing and transforming risk management cultures and functions pre, during and post various corporate finance activity positions Cohesive Risk Consulting to share real inhouse experience and help similar dynamic businesses achieve their goals.


The Cohesive Way


Cohesive is the result of many elements combining to create a seamless united whole. At Cohesive Risk Consulting, we have a three way approach resulting in the “Cohesive Way”:


The Cohesive team operates in a collaborative and cohesive way to achieve its goals and therefore those of its clients.

The Cohesive team engages and works side by side with its clients to form a cohesive business relationship and deliver effective solutions and exemplary service.

The Cohesive team coaches and mentors its clients along the way on how to apply risk management thinking deeply into the organisiation, resulting in ongoing cohesion.


Our Values


In the true Cohesive Way, our core values underpin our team’s philosophy to life and engaging with our clients to bring the best out of everyone. The Cohesive Way is delivered with:



To extract the most from ourselves and our clients, it is essential our behaviour, engagement and output is real, true, and supported by unquestionable evidence.



The Cohesive team has a willingness to take risks and act innovatively, demonstrate confidence and be courageous in its approach to engaging with our clients. 



It is important to stop and celebrate achievements of our clients and team before time passes us by and we lose sight of the great efforts that got us to where we are today.